Your Newborn Experience


Our Journey Starts Here…

Your lifestyle newborn session will take place in The Home Studio in Red Beach, and I allow 1-2 hours. I will gently direct you so that we see your natural interactions and connections. Capturing the snuggles and kisses from big brothers and sisters, the raw love and emotion from Mum and Dad and the creases and squishes our little ones have in those first weeks.  I want you to remember the beauty from this fleeting time.

Welcome to The Home Studio

I have created a beautiful space in my home especially for you, to relax and connect with your new family in. It is filled with the most perfect light and is styled with natural earthy linen. It is a space where you can leave behind the rush of the morning. Just come and be, and I will do the rest.

Session fees begin at $350, packages begin at $500 - the average client spends $1500-$2000

All of my packages include a number of high resolution digital images and printed images.

All packages have the option to add on a heirloom short film (2-4 minutes long, with licensed song) for download. There’s just something about a film that captures all the feelings & subtleties in a way that photos alone can’t.

See my Newborn Session Portfolio here and my Video Portfolio here

For Newborn Sessions in your own home there is an additional travel fee (within Auckland central suburbs or in and around the Whangaparaoa Peninsula.


Ready to learn more? 

Contact me below to get your 2024 package info and pricing guide.